We are pleased to announce the launch of AFFA 2022, an institution for quality and taste awards for small producers and delicatessens.
The Athens Fine Food Awards are organized for the second consecutive year by EXPOTROF and are currently the most important event for the evaluation and awarding of quality awards for Greek food. The application process starts on October 25 and ends on December 13, 2021. The evaluation will take place in January 2022 while the results and awards will be announced during the 8th EXPOTROF on February 4-6, 2022
Producers from all over the country can register with as many products as they wish and participate in the evaluation process by a special committee of professionals. The highly regarded and experienced jury consists of important chefs, winemakers, visual communications designers, wholesalers, olive oil judges, flavor journalists, f & b managers and other food professionals, and is a guarantee of credible credibility.
With consistency, professionalism, transparency, passion and a real vision for the evolution of the standard products of small producers, we designed and implemented a competition of high standards that make it unique.
Evaluation method
As a method of taste evaluation we chose the blind organoleptic test so that the members of the committee are not affected by any previous point of view about the product, the producer, its packaging or any other subjective condition. The judges fill in a special evaluation form with 25 different parameters [taste, aftertaste, body, etc], each with a different scoring weight, while the evaluation algorithm designed specifically for the competition, delivers directly – and electronically the product rating
Safety and care
The evaluation is done within a maximum period of 3 weeks from the receipt of the products and especially for the refrigerator and freezer products that are received last, within 5 days.
Eco friendly AFFA
Special biodegradable dishes, cutlery, paper towels and disposable cups are used for the evaluation, while where necessary, minimal preparation utensils are used which are cleaned with lukewarm water. The competition process takes place in a specially designed space and is electronic while the use of paper is not required.
2021 was the first year of the competition and more than 220 products participated, of which 76 were distinguished in the ranking, receiving from one to three quality stars. The distinction rate was 33% of the entries while many products were found close to the stars. 12 products were canceled as overdue or non-compliant with the Participation Regulations. The products with the highest score in their category won an additional award. The product with the highest score collected 19.61 points, while the one with the lowest 8.07. Honored person for 2021 with the corresponding award was selected by the jury Dr. Stavroula-Kourakou Dragonas for her important contribution to the development of Greek wine.