An important initiative from the 7η EXPOTROF – The Greek Fine Food Exhibition for its exhibitors
In the context of the 7th EXPOTROF– The Greek Fine Food Exhibition (24-26 January 2020, Helexpo Maroussi, Athens), the section Β2Β Markets powered by FnBDAILY is inaugurated. The aim of this initiative by the exhibition organizers is to bring the producers / exhibitors through high quality B2B appointments in contact with the buyers of the largest supermarket chains and food stores:ΑΒ Vassilopoulos, Metro / MyMarket, TheMart, etc. The exhibitors will have the opportunity to present their products at a specific time and with a pre-specified procedure.
Business appointments will be well organized in advance and will take place in a specially designed Helexpo venue inside the exhibition center in Kifissias Avenue in Maroussi, on Friday 24/01 and Saturday 25/01 2020 . Τ
This action allows the exhibitors to make quality meetings and present their products in a calm environment rather than under the conditions of exhibition pressure. This is an important initiative aimed at promoting the quality and uniqueness of local products, stimulating business activity and enhancing extroversion.
This action is the result of the strategic co-operation between the companies Notice Content and Services (FnBDaily) and RMI (EXPOTROF).
For further information call Mrs Eva Tsioni on 210 3634061.